Candace Asher
My Story
Nashville/New York artist Candace Asher's critically acclaimed, self-titled cd earned her several top-5 hits with airplay in 12 countries in the early 2000’s. Asher’s soulful pop-country-americana blend took her to Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, and Switzerland! Taxim Records (Germany) picked up Candace’s self-titled disc and BMG distributed it all around Europe!
Candace's new release is titled “DON’T LOSE HEART” (co-written with Dwight Liles). Candace took a decade away from the music business to work as a corporate wellness-trainer and language-enrichments teacher, while inventing her original, transformational resilience and empowerment mindset-development system called “SoapSquared-Raise the Bar”. It all began with the program’s motivational theme-song - check out the video on the “Coming Soon” tab!
Old and new fans alike can experience Candace’s eloquent pen and expressive vocals. Known for her heartfelt, uplifting, strong-woman songs of inspiration, courage and hope, Candace’s current release “DON’T LOSE HEART” is in the same upbeat vein.
Candace has long encouraged her friends and fans to keep pushing onward through life’s tough times. Candace believes life is a healing journey and that people deserve to not just work to “make it” in life, but to focus on building lives that are as happy and as flourishing as possible - in spite of life’s hardships and challenges. The key program take-a-way from SoapSquared-Raise the Bar is: “Our challenges need not break us - they can indeed make us!”
Candace beat many difficult odds in life, including surviving abusive foster-homes, rapes at knifepoint, a devastating flood, welfare, a brutal divorce and numerous periods of unemployment. Candace built her own relentlessly resilient life; her songs and training reflect her courage, beliefs and perspectives. Check out the “Coming Soon” tab!
Candace got her professional singing start sailing around NYC on the world-famous Circle Line tourist cruises. After she landed an artist development deal at Planet Studios and a country-inflection in her Brooklyn-born voice got in one producer’s way, Candace changed the course of her career and moved to Nashville,Tennessee. Nashville considered Candace “too urban”. However, the emergent Americana category and the broader sonic scope of European DJ’s embraced Candace’s unique sound out-of-the-box. On a trip home from an Americana conference as a signed artist in Berlin, Candace promised herself to continue writing country-americana for the fans and DJ’s who helped build her career, but to embrace her R&B and jazz roots from her beginnings in NYC, too!
Formerly a Bluebird Cafe regular and a featured Tin Pan South performer.

What People Say
Richie Havens
American Singer-Songwriter (folk, soul, rhythm & blues) Guitarist; Opening act at Woodstock
"Watch out for her! I have watched Candace grow into an incredibly dedicated and talented singer-songwriter!"
"Candace brings to her music the authenticity lacking in most--heck--all of today's country pop. She sings from somewhere most of us refuse to acknowledge or have covered over to keep from feeling."
Thornton Cline
CEO/ President of Clinetel Music (ASCAP)/Thornton Cline Music (BMI), 2021 TN Songwriters Hall of Fame
"Nashville artist, Candace Asher's voice delivers conviction, candidness, and soul. She sings her heart out and every word is believable. Candace is the epitome of true artistry."
“Candace Asher is inspirational in fighting the good fight. The tone of her work is very much needed in these times.”
“I’ve produced fellow New Yorker Asher in my Tennessee studio. Country music put her on the charts, however, I’ve always believed in the white-soul-jazz in her voice.”